Scripture Verse

Our Redeemer, the Lord of hosts. Isaiah 47:4


Ernst W. Olson (1870–1958)

Words: Am­brose of Mi­lan (340–397). Trans­lat­ed by Ola­vus Pe­tri (1493–1552) & Ernst W. Ol­son (1870–1958).

Music: För­loss­ning­en Är Vun­nen Ger­man En­chi­ri­di­on, 1524 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know the orig­in­al La­tin ti­tle, or the title (Swed­ish?) when trans­lat­ed by Olav­us Pe­tri,

Ambrose of Milan


Now hail we our Re­deem­er,
Eternal Son of God,
Born in the flesh to save us,
And cleanse us in His blood.
The Morn­ing Star as­cend­eth,
Light to the world He lend­eth,
Our guide in grief and gloom.

A man, of God be­got­ten,
Brought in the age of grace;
Lo, all the earth is ra­di­ant
With light, and hope, and peace.
Our pri­son He de­mol­ished,
Death’s pow­er He abol­ished,
And op­ened Heav­en’s gate.

O Je­sus, grant us mer­cy,
And grace on us be­stow,
To walk by Thine own guid­ance,
Thy sav­ing truth to know.
For Thee our hearts are yearn­ing,
From world­ly plea­sures turn­ing
Unto Thy right­eous­ness.

Into Thy hand the Fa­ther
Gave all, that we might be
In bonds of faith unit­ed,
And de­di­cate to Thee,
A people through Thy mer­it
Entitled to in­her­it
Thy realm eter­nal­ly.