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Scripture Verse

He shatters bronze doors, and He cuts through iron bars. Psalm 107:16


Words: Elim (prob­ab­ly a pseu­do­nym), in A Book of Song and Ser­vice, ed­it­ed by Ed­ward A. Hor­ton (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Uni­ta­ri­an Sun­day-School So­ci­ety, 1895), num­ber 187. The hymn was ac­com­pa­nied by the note that it “may be used as a car­ol, or for a re­ces­sion­al.

Music: Ar­thur F. Bur­nett (🔊 ).

If you know the au­thor, or where to get a good pho­to of him or Bur­nett (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Now the ir­on bars are brok­en,
Christ from death to life is born,
Glorious life and life im­mor­tal
On this ho­ly East­er morn.
Christ has tri­umphed, and we con­quer
By His migh­ty en­ter­prise;
We with Christ to life eter­nal
By His re­sur­rect­ion rise.

Solo, or Uni­son

Sing, sing, child­ren sing,
Christ the Lord is ris­en!
Swing, swing, cen­sers swing,
Empty is Death’s pri­son;
High, high, an­gels cry,
O’er the world vic­tor­ious,
Christ to life is ris’n again,
Is ris­en from the dead.


Aleluia! Ale­lu­ia!
Christ from death to life is born;
Thus we sing our hymns of glad­ness
On this ho­ly East­er morn.

Christ is ris­en, we are ris­en!
Shed upon us heav­en­ly grace,
Rain and dew and gleams of glo­ry
From the bright­ness of Thy face.
Grant that we, with hearts in Heav­en,
Here on earth may faith­ful be;
And by an­gel hands be ga­thered,
And be ev­er safe with Thee.

Solo/Unison and Refrain