Scripture Verse

One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in His temple. Psalm 27:4


Edward J. Hopkins

Words: Ben­ja­min Waugh (1839–1908). This hymn was orig­in­al­ly pub­lished in The Sun­day Ma­ga­zine, which Waugh ed­it­ed. The ver­sion be­low ap­peared in Gar­rett Hor­der’s Con­gre­ga­tion­al Hymns, 1884.

Music: St. Hugh (Hop­kins) Ed­ward J. Hop­kins, 1862 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Benjamin Waugh


Now let us see Thy beau­ty, Lord,
As we have seen be­fore;
And by Thy beau­ty quick­en us
To love Thee and ad­ore.

’Tis ea­sy when with sim­ple mind
Thy love­li­ness we see,
To con­se­crate our­selves afresh
To du­ty and to Thee.

Our ev­ery fev­er­ish mood is cooled,
And gone is ev­ery load,
When we can lose the love of self,
And find the love of God.

’Tis by Thy love­li­ness we’re won
To home and Thee again,
And as we are Thy child­ren true
We are more tru­ly men.

Lord, it is com­ing to our­selves
When thus we come to Thee;
The bond­age of Thy love­li­ness
Is per­fect li­ber­ty.

So now we come to ask again,
What Thou hast oft­en giv’n,
The vi­sion of that love­li­ness
Which is the life of Heav’n.