Scripture Verse

When the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth His Son. Galatians 4:4


Words: Un­known au­thor, 1746 (Nun ist die Zeit er­füllt). Trans­lat­ed from Ger­man to Eng­lish by Fred­er­ick W. Herz­ber­ger (1859–1930), alt.

Music: Was frag’ ich nach der Welt? Me­lo­dy from Him­mels-Lust by Aha­sue­rus Fritsch, 1679. Har­mo­ny by Jo­hann S. Bach, cir­ca 1740 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know the au­thor, or where to get a good pic­ture of him or Herz­ber­ger (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Johann S. Bach (1685–1750)


Now are the days fulfilled,
God’s Son is manifested,
Now His great majesty
In human flesh is vested.
Behold the mighty God,
By whom all wrath is stilled,
The woman’s promised Seed—
Now are the days fulfilled.

Now are the days fulfilled,
Lo, Jacob’s Star is shining;
The gloomy night has fled
Wherein the world lay pining.
Now, Israel, look on Him
Who long thy heart hath thrilled;
Hear Zion’s watchmen cry:
Now are the days fulfilled.

Now are the days fulfilled,
The child of God rejoices;
No bondage of the Law,
No curses that it voices,
Can fill our hearts with fear;
On Christ our hope we build.
Behold the Prince of Peace—
Now are the days fulfilled.