Scripture Verse

She brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes, and laid Him in a manger. Luke 2:7


George W. Chadwick

Words: Fer­di­nand Q. Blan­chard, 1906.

Music: Ea­ton (Chad­wick) George W. Chad­wick, 1888 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Ferdinand Q. Blanchard (1876–1966)


O child of low­ly man­ger birth
On whose low cry the ag­es wait,
Lead us Thy way, and ev­ery day
Guide us to see what made Thee great.

O Je­sus, youth of Na­za­reth,
Preparing for the bit­ter strife,
Wilt Thou im­part to ev­ery heart
Thy per­fect pu­ri­ty of life?

O Christ whose words make dear the fields
And hill­sides green of Ga­li­lee,
Grant us to find, with re­ver­ent mind,
The truth Thou saidst should make us free.

O suf­fer­ing Lord on Cal­va­ry,
Whom love led on to mor­tal pain,
We know Thy cross is not a loss
If we Thy love shall tru­ly gain.

O Mas­ter of abun­dant life
From na­tal morn to vic­to­ry’s hour,
We look to Thee, heed Thou our plea,
Teach us to share Thy age­less pow­er.