Scripture Verse

In Thy presence is fullness of joy; at Thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. Psalm 16:11


George Martin (1844–1916)

Words: Anne Steele (1716–1778). Pub­lished post­hu­mous­ly in Mis­cel­la­ne­ous Piec­es in Verse and Prose, 1760, by Ca­leb Ev­ans (Lon­don: T. Ca­dell, T. Mills, T. Ev­ans, J. Buc­kland & J. John­son), num­ber 82: The love of Christ ex­cit­ing thank­ful de­vo­tion.

Music: King of Kings (Mar­tin) George C. Mar­tin (1844–1916) (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Steele (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


O dearer to my thank­ful heart
Than all the circ­ling sun sur­veys!
Thy pre­sence on­ly can impart
Light, peace, and glad­ness to my days.

Beneath Thy soul re­viv­ing ray,
E’en cold af­flict­ion’s win­try gloom
Shall bright­en in­to ver­nal day,
And hopes and joys im­mor­tal bloom.

Vain world, be gone with all thy toys;
I have no room for tri­fles here:
My heart as­pires to nob­ler joys;
Thy fair­est glo­ries dis­ap­pear.

Bright realms of bliss, where Je­sus reigns,
My wish, my care, my hope in­vite:
Where rap­tured ser­aphs tune their strains
To themes of in­fi­nite delight.

See, Lord, Thy will­ing sub­ject bows
Adoring low be­fore Thy throne:
To Thee, I glad­ly pay my vows;
Thou art my so­ver­eign, Thou alone.

Smile on my soul, and bid me sing,
In con­cert with the choir above,
The glo­ries of my Sav­ior king,
The con­de­scen­sions of His love.

Amazing love! that stooped so low,
To view with pi­ty’s melt­ing eye
A wretch de­serv­ing end­less woe!
Amazing love! Did Je­sus die?

He died, to raise to life and joy
The vile, the guil­ty, the undone,
O let His praise my hours em­ploy,
Till hours no more their cir­cles run!

He died! Ye ser­aphs, tune your songs,
Resound, re­sound the Sav­ior’s name:
For naught be­low im­mor­tal tongues
Can ev­er reach the won­drous theme.