I saw a new Heaven and a new earth: for the first Heaven and the first earth were passed away.
Revelation 21:1
Words: Susan H. Peterson, 1999 (public domain).
Music: Beecher John Zundel, Christian Heart Songs 1870 (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Zundel (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
One day there’ll be new earth and Heaven,
For the first will soon pass away.
And the holy city, from Heaven
Will appear in bridal array.
Then with men God will make His dwelling;
They will be His people indeed.
God Himself will be with them always
And their God will ever be.
God will wipe away every teardrop;
There’ll be no more crying or pain.
Death and mourning will have no place there;
Old things will no longer remain.
From His throne God utters this promise:
I am making everything new!
Now is written all that’s been spoken,
For these words are trusted and true.
God the Lord is Alpha, Omega,
The beginning and the end.
From the spring of living water,
A free drink He’ll give to all men.
He who overcomes will inherit
All the blessings found in God’s Word.
He will be God’s son for all ages;
God will be his God and his Lord.
See the holy city, Jerusalem,
Out of Heav’n from God coming down,
Brilliant as a jewel, clear as crystal,
With God’s glory shining around.
There’s no need for sunshine or moonlight,
For God’s glory gives light to all,
And the Lamb of God is its temple
And a lamp for all in its walls.
Nations all will walk by its lamplight;
Kings will bring their splendor therein.
Never will the gates shut and locked be,
For no night will ever descend.
Nothing that’s impure will e’er enter—
No immoral, dishonest men.
Only those whose names have been written
In the book of life may come in.