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Scripture Verse

I saw a new Heaven and a new earth: for the first Heaven and the first earth were passed away. Revelation 21:1


Words: Su­san H. Pe­ter­son, 1999 (pub­lic do­main).

Music: Beech­er John Zun­del, Chris­tian Heart Songs 1870 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Zundel (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

Susan Peterson


One day there’ll be new earth and Heav­en,
For the first will soon pass away.
And the ho­ly ci­ty, from Heav­en
Will ap­pear in brid­al ar­ray.
Then with men God will make His dwell­ing;
They will be His peo­ple in­deed.
God Him­self will be with them always
And their God will ev­er be.

God will wipe away ev­ery tear­drop;
There’ll be no more cry­ing or pain.
Death and mourn­ing will have no place there;
Old things will no long­er remain.
From His throne God ut­ters this pro­mise:
I am mak­ing ev­ery­thing new!

Now is writ­ten all that’s been spok­en,
For these words are trust­ed and true.

God the Lord is Al­pha, Ome­ga,
The be­gin­ning and the end.
From the spring of liv­ing water,
A free drink He’ll give to all men.
He who ov­er­comes will in­her­it
All the bless­ings found in God’s Word.
He will be God’s son for all ag­es;
God will be his God and his Lord.

See the ho­ly city, Je­ru­sa­lem,
Out of Heav’n from God com­ing down,
Brilliant as a jew­el, clear as crys­tal,
With God’s glo­ry shin­ing around.
There’s no need for sun­shine or moon­light,
For God’s glo­ry gives light to all,
And the Lamb of God is its tem­ple
And a lamp for all in its walls.

Nations all will walk by its lam­plight;
Kings will bring their splen­dor there­in.
Never will the gates shut and locked be,
For no night will ev­er des­cend.
Nothing that’s im­pure will e’er en­ter—
No im­mor­al, dis­hon­est men.
Only those whose names have been writ­ten
In the book of life may come in.