Scripture Verse

Blessing, and honor, and glory, and power, be unto Him that sits upon the throne. Revelation 5:13


Words: Anne Steele, Po­ems on Sub­jects Chief­ly De­vo­tion­al 1760. The glo­ri­ous pre­sence of Christ in Hea­ven.

Music: De­vo­tion (Car­den) in The Mis­sou­ri Har­mo­ny, by Al­len Car­den, 1820 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Steele or Car­den (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


O for a sweet inspiring ray,
To animate our feeble strains,
From the bright realms of endless day,
The blissful realms, where Je­sus reigns!

There low before His glo­ri­ous throne,
Adoring saints and angels fall,
And with delightful worship own
His smile their bliss, their heav’n, their all.

Immortal glories crown His head,
While tuneful hallelujahs rise,
And love, and joy, and triumph spread,
Thro’ all th’assemblies of the skies.

He smiles, and seraphs tune their songs,
To boundless rapture while they gaze;
Ten thousand, thousand joyful tongues
Resound His ev­er­last­ing praise.

There all the favorites of the Lamb
Shall join at last the heav’nly choir;
O may the joy-inspiring theme
Awake our faith and warm desire.

Dear Sav­ior, let Thy Spir­it seal
Our interest in that blissful place;
Till death remove this mortal veil,
And we behold Thy lovely face.