Take no thought, saying,
Matthew 6:31–34What shall we eat?
or, What shall we drink?
or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
…for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.
Words: William Gaskell, in A Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion, edited by Samuel Longfellow & Samuel Johnson, 4th edition (Boston, Massachusetts: Ticknor, Reed & Fields, 1849), number 390.
Music: Bartow. Anonymous, in The Sabbath Tune and Hymn Book (New York: Mason Brothers, 1859), page 97 (🔊
Our Father! through the coming year
We know not what shall be,
But we would leave without a fear
Its ordering all to Thee.
It may be we shall toil in vain
For what the world holds fair,
And all its good we thought to gain
Deceive, and prove but care.
It may be it shall darkly blend
Our love with anxious fears
And snatch away the valued friend,
The tried of many years.
It may be it shall bring us days
And nights of lingering pain,
And bid us take our farewell gaze
Of these loved haunts of men.
But calmly, Lord, on Thee we rest;
No fears our trust shall move;
Thou knowest what for each is best,
And Thou art perfect love.