Scripture Verse

Our Father which art in Heaven. Matthew 6:9


Martin Luther (1483–1546)

Words: Mar­tin Lu­ther, 1539 (Va­ter un­ser im Him­mel­reich). Com­po­site trans­la­tion from Ger­man to Eng­lish.

Music: Va­ter un­ser Geist­liche Lied­er (Leip­zig, Ger­ma­ny: 1539). Har­mo­ny by Jo­hann S. Bach, 1726 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Johann S. Bach (1685–1750)


Our Fa­ther, Thou in Heav’n above,
Who bid­dest us to dwell in love,
As breth­ren of one fa­mi­ly,
To cry in ev­ery need to Thee,
Teach us no thought­less words to say,
But from our in­most heart to pray.

Thy name be hal­lowed. Help us, Lord,
In pu­ri­ty to keep Thy Word,
That to the glo­ry of Thy name
We walk be­fore Thee free from blame.
Let no false doc­trine us per­vert;
All poor, de­lud­ed souls con­vert.

Thy king­dom come. Thine let it be
In time and in eter­ni­ty.
Let Thy good Spir­it e’er be nigh
Our hearts with grac­es to su­pply.
Break Sa­tan’s pow­er, de­feat his rage;
Preserve Thy Church from age to age.

Thy gra­cious will on earth be done
As ’tis in Hea­ven be­fore Thy throne;
Obedience in our weal and woe
And pa­tience in all grief be­stow.
Curb flesh and blood and ev­ery ill
That sets it­self against Thy will.

Give us this day our dai­ly bread
And let us all be clothed and fed.
From war and strife be our de­fense,
From fa­mine and from pes­ti­lence,
That we may live in god­ly peace,
Free from all care and ava­rice.

Forgive our sins, Lord, we im­plore
Remove from us their bur­den sore,
As we their tres­pass­es for­give
Who by of­fens­es us do grieve.
Thus let us dwell in cha­ri­ty
And serve our bro­ther will­ing­ly.

Into temp­ta­tions lead us not,
When ev­il foes against us plot
And vex our souls on ev­ery hand,
Oh, give us strength that we may stand
Firm in the faith, a well-armed host,
Through com­fort of the Ho­ly Ghost!

From ev­il, Lord, de­li­ver us;
The times and days are per­il­ous.
Redeem us from eter­nal death,
And when we yield our dy­ing breath,
Console us, grant us calm re­lease,
And take our souls to Thee in peace.

Amen, that is, So shall it be.
Confirm our faith and hope in Thee
That we may doubt not, but be­lieve
What here we ask we shall re­ceive.
Thus in Thy name and at Thy Word
We say: Amen. Oh, hear us, Lord!