Scripture Verse

From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia My suppliants, even the daughter of My dispersed, shall bring Mine offering. Zephaniah 3:10


Charles Wesley (1707–1788)

Words: Charles Wes­ley, Short Hymns (Bris­tol, Eng­land: E. Far­ley, 1762), Vol­ume 2, num­ber 1394, page 96.

Music: Gair­ney Bridge Er­nest R. Kroe­ger, 1901 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Ernest R. Kroeger (1862–1934)


O God of all-re­deem­ing grace,
Hasten those lat­est, hap­pi­est days,
When Thy dis­persed shall be brought home:
Obedient to the Gos­pel word,
O let the peo­ple of our Lord
From earth’s re­mot­est cor­ners come!

With hum­ble pray­ers and con­trite sighs,
A well-ac­cept­ed sac­ri­fice,
To Thee their souls and bo­dies give,
Thy per­fect will re­joice to prove,
And live the life of ho­ly love,
And on­ly for Thy glo­ry live!