A fountain will be opened to the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, to cleanse them from sin and impurity.
Zechariah 13:1
Words: Francis Bottome, in the Full Salvation Hymnal, edited by J. E. Irvine (New York: Nelson & Phillips, 1877).
Music: James McGranahan (🔊
If you know where to get a better photo of Bottome, would you send us an e-mail?
Beneath the glorious throne above,
The crystal fountain springing,
A river full of life and love,
Is joy and gladness bringing.
O glorious fountain now flowing so free,
O fountain of cleansing opened wide for me.
Through all my soul its waters flow,
Thro’ all my nature stealing;
And deep within my heart I know
The consciousness of healing.
The barren wastes are fruitful lands,
The desert blooms with roses;
And He, the glory of all lands,
His lovely face discloses.
My sun no more goes down by day,
My moon no more is waning;
My feet run swift the shining way,
The heav’nly portals gaining.
Oh, depth of mercy! breadth of grace!
Oh, love of God unbounded!
My soul is lost in sweet amaze,
By wondrous love confounded.