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Scripture Verse

Come, Lord Jesus. Revelation 22:20


Words: Jo­hann Cam­pa­nus, Od­ar­um Sac­ra­rum, Li­ber Pos­te­ri­or (Prague: 1612) (Ve­ni Re­demp­tor gen­ti­um). Trans­lat­ed from La­tin to Ger­man in Ver­such ein­es all­ge­mein­en ev­an­gel­isch­en Ge­sang- und Ge­bet­buchs, by Chris­tian car­ol Jo­si­as Bun­sen, 1833 (where it was in­cor­rect­ly at­trib­ut­ed to Am­brose of Mi­lan). Trans­lat­ed from Ger­man to Eng­lish by Fen­ton J. A. Hort in Church Hymns, 1871, num­ber 70.

Music: Le­on­burg Ger­man tune, in Church Hymns and Tunes, ed­it­ed by Ar­thur S. Sul­li­van (Lon­don: So­ci­ety for Pro­mot­ing Chris­tian Know­ledge, 1874), num­ber 19 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Cam­pa­nus (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

Fenton Hort (1828–1892)


O glo­ry of Thy chos­en race,
Light of the na­tions, show Thy face;
We wait in faith Thy low­ly birth,
God’s glo­ry veiled to bless the earth.

Thee, Son of God, from Heav­en’s high seat,
Thee, vir­gin born, we long to greet;
Redeemed by Thee, all worlds pro­claim
The won­der of Thy two­fold name.

This earth has seen Thy so­journ, Lord,
Who now art high in Heav­en ad­ored;
In Hell’s dim vale Thy foot­steps trod:
The star-worlds hymned Thee back to God.

O migh­ty Sav­ior, King di­vine,
Subdue this realm of flesh made Thine;
Its fee­ble frame cries out for Thee;
Thy touch, Thy life, alone make free.

E’en now Thy man­ger gleams afar,
To wait­ing eyes a morn­ing star,
In each dark night to faith be­low
Its light un­quenched shall ev­er glow.

All praise to God the Fa­ther be,
All praise, eter­nal Son, to Thee,
Whom with the Spir­it we ad­ore,
One God, both now and ev­er more.