Scripture Verse

Thou art my king, O God. Psalm 44:4


Joseph Proud (1745–1826)

Words: Jo­seph Proud (1745–1826).

Music: Do­ver Aar­on Will­iams, 1770 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know when this hymn was writ­ten,


O God, my heav­en­ly King,
My Sav­ior, and my all,
To Thee my ev­ery pow­er I bring,
And at Thy foo­tstool fall.

By Thee I am sup­plied
With ev­ery good be­low:
Thou art my shep­herd and my guide,
In all the way I go.

Fain would I fol­low Thee,
Nor from Thy foot­steps stray,
Whate’er my pains or con­flicts be,
Or snares my foes may lay.

I know that Thou art nigh,
My fort­ress, shield and tow­er:
On Thy rich mer­cy I’ll rely,
And trust Thy migh­ty pow­er.