Scripture Verse

O God, Thou hast cast us off, Thou hast scattered us, Thou hast been displeased; O turn Thyself to us again. Psalm 60:1


Sigismund R. von Neukomm

Words: Charles H. Spur­geon, Our Own Hymn Book 1866.

Music: Ames (von Neu­komm) Sig­is­mund R. von Neu­komm, 1837 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

Charles H. Spurgeon


O God, Thou hast cast off Thy saints;
Thy face Thou dost in an­ger hide,
And lo, Thy Church for ter­ror faints,
While breach­es all her walls di­vide!

Hard things Thou hast up­on us laid,
And made us drink most bit­ter wine;
But still Thy ban­ner we’ve dis­played,
And borne aloft Thy truth di­vine.

Our cour­age fails not, though the night
No earth­ly lamp avails to break,
For Thou wilt soon arise in might,
And of our cap­tors cap­tives make.

Thy right hand shall Thy peo­ple aid;
Thy faith­ful pro­mise makes us strong;
We will Phi­lis­tia’s land in­vade,
And ov­er Ed­om chant the song.

In Je­su’s name we’ll Shech­em seize,
And swift di­vide all Suc­coth’s vale;
E’en Mo­ab’s sons shall bow their knees,
And Je­su’s con­quer­ing scep­ter hail.

Through Thee we shall most val­iant prove,
And tread the foe be­neath our feet;
Through Thee our faith shall hills re­move,
And small as chaff the mount­ains beat.