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Scripture Verse

Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift. 2 Corinthians 9:15


Johannes G. Olearius (1611–1684)

Words: Jo­hann­es G. Ole­ari­us, 1671 (Ach, wie gross ist deine Gna­de). Trans­lat­ed from Ger­man to Eng­lish by Au­gust Crull, 1923.

Music: Ach, was soll Hir­ten­lied­er (Alt­dorf, Ger­ma­ny: 1653) (🔊 ).

August Crull (1845–1923)


Oh, how great is Thy com­pas­sion,
Faithful Fa­ther, God of grace,
That with all our fall­en race
And in our deep de­gra­da­tion
Thou wast mer­ci­ful that we
Might be saved eter­nal­ly!

Thy great love for this hath striv­en
That we may from sin be free
And for­ev­er live with Thee;
Yea, Thy Son Him­self hath given
In His grace an ear­nest call
To His Sup­per un­to all.

And for this our soul’s sal­va­tion
Voucheth Thy good Spir­it, Lord,
In Thy sac­ra­ments and Word.
He im­part­eth con­so­la­tion,
Granteth us the gift of faith
That we fear nor hell nor death.

Lord, Thy mer­cy will not leave me—
Truth doth ev­er­more abide—
Then in Thee will I con­fide.
Since Thy Word can­not de­ceive me,
My sal­va­tion is to me
Well as­sured eter­nal­ly.

I will praise Thy great com­pas­sion,
Faithful Fa­ther, God of grace,
That with all our fall­en race
And in our deep de­gra­da­tion
Thou wast mer­ci­ful that we
Might bring end­less praise to Thee.