Scripture Verse

Give ear to my words, O Lord, consider my meditation. Psalm 5:1


Words: From Bi­ble Songs (Pitts­burgh, Penn­syl­van­ia: Unit­ed Pres­by­ter­ian Board of Pub­li­ca­tion, 1901), num­ber 7. Plead­ings of pray­er.

Music: Se­do­na, ar­ranged by C. Ma­ri­on Couch (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Couch (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


O Je­ho­vah, hear my words,
And my me­di­ta­tion weigh;
Hear my cry, my king, my God,
For to Thee, O Lord, I’ll pray.

In the morn­ing, Lord, my voice
Thou shalt hear in sup­pli­ant cries;
In the morn­ing, Lord, to Thee
I will lift my wait­ing eyes.

Thou, Je­ho­vah, art a God
Who in sin can­not de­light;
Evil shall not dwell with Thee
Nor shall fools stand in Thy sight.

Evil-doers Thou dost hate,
Liars all de­stroyed shall be;
Men of blood and of deceit
Ever are ab­horred by Thee.

But in Thy abun­dant grace
To Thy house will I draw near;
To Thy ho­ly temple, Lord,
I will look, and bow in fear.

Lead me in Thy right­eous­ness;
Evermore my steps main­tain;
And be­cause of watch­ful foes,
Make Thy way be­fore me plain.

In their mouth there is no truth,
All their heart is full of wrong,
Like an op­en grave their throat;
And they flat­ter with their tongue.

Let trans­gress­ors be de­stroyed,
In their sins by Thee ex­pelled;
By their coun­sels let them fall,
For against Thee they re­belled.

But let all in Thee who trust,
Ever glad and joy­ful be;
Let them joy who love Thy name,
Safely guard­ed, Lord, by Thee.

For Je­ho­vah to the just
Will abun­dant bless­ings yield,
And with fa­vor com­pass him
Safely round as with a shield.