Scripture Verse

The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp. Revelation 21:23


Samuel Stennett

Words: Sam­uel Sten­nett, in Se­lect­ion of Hymns, by John Rip­pon, 1787.

Music: The Pro­mised Land Ma­til­da T. Dur­ham, in The South­ern Har­mo­ny and Mu­sic­al Com­pan­ion, by Will­iam Walk­er (New York: Hast­ings House, 1835). Ar­ranged by Rig­don M. Mc­In­tosh, 1895 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pic­ture of Walk­er,

William Walker (1809–1875)


On Jor­dan’s stor­my banks I stand,
And cast a wish­ful eye
To Ca­naan’s fair and hap­py land,
Where my pos­ses­sions lie.


I am bound for the pro­mised land,
I am bound for the pro­mised land;
Oh who will come and go with me?
I am bound for the pro­mised land.

O the trans­port­ing, rap­tur­ous scene,
That ris­es to my sight!
Sweet fields ar­rayed in liv­ing green,
And ri­vers of de­light!


There ge­ner­ous fruits that ne­ver fail,
On trees im­mor­tal grow;
There rocks and hills, and brooks and vales,
With milk and ho­ney flow.


O’er all those wide ex­tend­ed plains
Shines one eter­nal day;
There God the Son for­ev­er reigns,
And scat­ters night away.


No chill­ing winds or poi­son­ous breath
Can reach that health­ful shore;
Sickness and sor­row, pain and death,
Are felt and feared no more.


When I shall reach that hap­py place,
I’ll be for­ev­er blest,
For I shall see my Fa­ther’s face,
And in His bo­som rest.


Filled with de­light my rap­tured soul
Would here no long­er stay;
Though Jor­dan’s waves around me roll,
Fearless I’d launch away.
