Scripture Verse

The Lord is risen indeed! Luke 24:34


Words: Au­thor un­known.

Music: Heart Ev­er Faith­ful adapt­ed from Jo­hann S. Bach (1685–1750) (🔊 pdf nwc). Com­pare O Joy­ous Eas­ter Morn­ing (Ol­iv­er).

If you know the au­thor, or when the words or mu­sic were writ­ten,

Johann Bach (1685–1750)


O joy­ous East­er morn­ing,
That saw the Lord of love arise!
O bright and hap­py morn­ing!
The clouds have left the skies.
The night of grief is end­ed,
The smil­ing day has come again,
And Christ has won the vic­to­ry
For all the sons of men.

O glad­some East­er morn­ing,
Our hearts re­joice anew to­day,
The grave and death are con­quered,
He is of life the Way.
The hosts of sin are van­quished,
He is the Vic­tor, Sav­ior, King;
Then let us all with glad­ness,
Our thank­ful prais­es bring.

O bless­èd East­er morn­ing,
What day so bright and fair as this,
When, through His migh­ty tri­umph,
He won the courts of bliss!
The doors of Hea­ven are op­en,
The grave no more has pow­er or dread,
For ris­en is our Sav­ior,
The first­fruits of the dead.