Scripture Verse

Christ Jesus…being in very nature God…made Himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant. Philippians 2:6–7


Words: Ano­ny­mous, in the Church Hymn Book, ed­it­ed by Paul B. Hen­kel (New Ma­rket, Vir­gin­ia: So­lo­mon Hen­kel, 1816), pag­es 27–28.

Music: Ma­ry­land Al­ex­an­der Zar­nock (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Zar­nock (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


O King of Glo­ry, Da­vid’s son!
Why hast Thou come and left Thy throne?
The curse and cross of man to bear
Brought Thee, O Prince of Glo­ry, here!

Thy place of birth was Beth­le­hem,
The place was held in low es­teem;
A place where none a king would seek:
None but the hum­ble and the meek.

But yet Thy glo­ry was made known,
And to the dist­ant na­tions shown;
A strange, a glo­ri­ous shin­ing star
Brought those who sought Thee from afar.

The nations who de­sired to see
Thy face, are come to wor­ship Thee;
Though they are hea­thens, yet they bring
Rich of­fer­ings un­to Thee, their king.

But great­er trea­sures than they brought
Such they in Thee their Sav­ior sought:
Thy love to know, Thy grace to gain
Rewards them ful­ly for their pain.

O hap­py where it is the case!
That sin­ners seek for sav­ing grace;
Such trea­sures they with Thee shall find
Which proves their joy and peace of mind.

Though migh­ty kings and haugh­ty foes
The pro­gress of Thy word op­pose:
Thy light shall shine from sea to shore,
Thy sun shall rise and set no more.

Thy king­dom and its right­eous­ness
Affords eter­nal life and peace;
My of­fer­ing, I to Thee will bring,
Grant me Thy trea­sures, O my king!