Scripture Verse

The mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but My kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of My peace be removed, saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee. Isaiah 54:10


Friedrich O. Reuter (1863–1924)

Words: Jo­han N. Brun, 1786 (Lad denne Dag, o Herre Gud). Trans­lat­ed from Nor­we­gian to Eng­lish by George A. T. Rygh, 1909 (vers­es 1 & 4) & Carl Dø­ving (vers­es 2 & 3), 1909.

Music: Reu­ter Fried­rich O. Reu­ter, 1916 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Rygh or Døv­ing (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Johan N. Brun (1745–1816)


Our Lord and God, oh, bless this day
And hear us, we im­plore Thee;
None of Thy child­ren turn away
Who now ap­pear be­fore Thee.
We come be­fore Thy face
And pray: Let Thy rich grace
Descend from Heav’n above
In all Thy won­drous love
And keep us by Thy Spir­it.

Oh, bless Thy Word to all the young;
Let them, Thy truth pos­sess­ing,
Bear wit­ness true with heart and tongue,
Their faith and ours con­fess­ing.
From mo­ther’s arms Thy grace
With love did them em­brace;
Baptized in­to Thy name,
As Thine Thou didst them claim.
O Lord, as Thine now own them!

When they their vows to­day re­new,
Accept them with Thy fa­vor;
And when they pro­mise to be true,
May they for­get it nev­er!
But they are weak and frail
When Sa­tan’s hosts as­sail;
Oh, arm them with Thy might
And grant that in the fight
They unto death be faith­ful!

And when they leave their child­hood home,
When Sa­tan comes al­lur­ing,
May their bap­tis­mal grace be­come
A re­fuge re­as­sur­ing!
Blest he who then can say:
God’s co­ve­nant stands for aye.
He ne’er shall be un­done
Who trusts in God alone—
God is his migh­ty fa­ther!