Scripture Verse

Thou, O Lord, remainest for ever; Thy throne from generation to generation. Lamentations 5:19


Words: Mrs. E. Hel­yer, 1891, Writ­ten fol­low­ing the death of her hus­band, af­ter four years of mar­riage.

Music: Hes­per­us Hen­ry Bak­er, 1854 (🔊 pdf nwc). First pub­lished in A Hym­nal for Use in the Eng­lish Church, by John Grey, 1866.

If you know Hel­yer’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of her or Baker,


O Lord and Sav­ior, we re­cline
On that eter­nal love of Thine;
Thou art our rest, and Thou alone
Remainest when all else is gone.

Yes! Thou re­main­est: sea and land
E’en Heav’n shall pass, but Thou shalt stand;
Undimmed, Thy ra­di­an­cy ap­pears,
Changeless thro’ all the chang­ing years.

Lord, on the throne Thy love’s the same
As once up­on Thy cross of shame;
In low­li­ness Thou cam’st to die,
Thou liv­est now for us on high.

We see Thee there, the Lamb once slain;
Thy loss was our eter­nal gain;
We see Thee crowned with glo­ry now,
No shade on Thy vic­to­ri­ous brow.

The sha­dow dwelt on Cal­v’ry’s tree,
And now Thine un­veiled face we see;
Praise be to God for that blest word,
That Thou re­main­est, bless­èd Lord.