The appearance of His face changed, and His clothes became bright as a flash of lightning.
Luke 9:29
Words: Unknown author, 10th Century (O nata Lux de lumine). Translated from Latin to English by Laurence Housman in The English Hymnal (London: Oxford University Press, 1906), number 234.
Music: Whitehall melody by Henry Lawes (1596–1662) (🔊
O Light of light, by love inclined,
Jesu, Redeemer of mankind,
With loving-kindness deign to hear
From suppliant voices praise and prayer.
Thou who to raise our souls from hell
Didst deign in fleshly form to dwell,
Vouchsafe us, when our race is run,
In Thy fair body to be one.
More bright by day Thy face did show,
Thy raiment whiter than the snow,
When on the mount to mortals blest
Man’s maker Thou was manifest.
Two prophets, that had faith to see,
With Thine elect found company,
Where unto each, divinely shown,
The Godhead veiled in form was known.
The heavens above His glory named,
The Father’s voice the Son proclaimed;
To whom, the King of glory now,
All faithful hearts adoring bow.
May all who seek Thy praise aright
Through purer lives show forth Thy light;
So to the brightness of the skies
By holy deeds our hearts shall rise.
Eternal God, to Thee we raise,
The King of kings, our hymn of praise,
Who Three in One and One in Three
Doth live and reign eternally.