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Scripture Verse

He that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. John 8:12


Herbert Oakeley

Words: Fran­cis T. Pal­grave, Hymns 1865.

Music: Ab­ends Her­bert S. Oake­ley, 1874 (🔊 ).

Francis T. Palgrave


O light of life, O Sav­ior dear,
Before we sleep, bow down Thine ear;
Through dark and day, o’er land and sea,
We have no oth­er hope but Thee.

Oft from Thy roy­al road we part,
Lost in the maz­es of the heart;
Our lamps put out, our course for­got,
We seek for God, and find Him not.

What sud­den sun­beams cheer our sight!
What dawn­ing ris­en up­on the night!
Thou giv’st Thy­self to us, and we
Find guide and path and all in Thee.

Through day and dark­ness, Sav­ior dear,
Abide with us, more near­ly near;
Till on Thy face we lift our eyes,
The sun of God’s own pa­ra­dise.

Praise God, our mak­er and our friend;
Praise Him through time, till time shall end;
Till psalm and song His name ad­ore
Through Heav­en’s great day of ev­er­more.