Scripture Verse

The Lord shall endure for ever. Psalm 9:7


Frederick Hosmer

Words: Fred­er­ick L. Hos­mer, 1890, alt. This hymn was writ­ten for the fif­ti­eth an­ni­ver­sa­ry of the Se­cond Con­gre­ga­tion­al Church in Quin­cy, Il­li­nois.

Music: St. Ste­phen Will­iam Jones, 1789 (🔊 pdf nwc).

William Jones (1726–1800)
National Portrait Gallery



O Light, from age to age the same,
O ev­er liv­ing Word,
Here have we felt Thy kind­ling flame,
Thy voice with­in have heard.

Here ho­ly thought and hymn and pray­er
Have wing­ed the Spir­it’s pow­ers,
And made these walls di­vine­ly fair,
Thy temp­le, Lord, and ours.

O not in vain their toil who wrought
To build faith’s freer shrine;
Nor theirs whose stead­fast love and thought
Have watched the fire di­vine.

Burn, holy fire, and shine more wide!
While na­tions rise and fall,
Faith, hope, and char­ity abide,
The heart and soul of all.