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Scripture Verse

Thou wilt show me the path of life: in Thy presence is fullness of joy. Psalm 16:11


Words: El­la S. Ar­mi­tage, 1875. This hymn was writ­ten at Wa­ter­head, Old­ham, Eng­land, for the op­en­ing of a new Sun­day school, and was pub­lished in The Gar­den of the Lord, 1881.

Music: West­gate J. M. Gib­son, in Hymns and Tunes for School, ed­it­ed by Her­bert B. Tur­ner (New York: A. S. [Al­fred Smith] Barnes, 1908), page 226 (🔊 ) .

Alternate Tune:

If you know Gib­son’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him or Ar­mi­tage (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


O Lord of life, and love, and pow­er,
How joy­ful life might be,
If in Thy ser­vice ev­ery hour
We lived and moved with Thee;
If youth in all its bloom and might
By Thee were sanc­ti­fied,
And man­hood found its chief de­light
In work­ing at Thy side!

’Tis ne’er too late, while life shall last,
A new life to be­gin;
’Tis ne’er too late to leave the past,
And break with self and sin;
And we this day, both old and young,
Would ear­nest­ly aspire
For hearts to nob­ler pur­pose strung,
And pu­ri­fied de­sire.

Nor for our­selves alone we plead,
But for all faith­ful souls
Who serve Thy cause by word or deed,
Whose names Thy book en­rolls:
O speed Thy work, vic­tor­ious King,
And give Thy work­ers might,
That thro’ the world Thy truth may ring,
And all men see Thy light.