Scripture Verse

It was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season. Revelation 6:11


Words: Ri­chard F. Lit­tle­dale, Priest’s Pray­er Book 1864.

Music: Bar­ragh John Che­tham, Book of Psal­mo­dy 1718 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Lit­tle­dale or Chet­ham (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


O Lord, to whom the spir­its live
Of all the faith­ful passed away,
Unto their path that bright­ness give
Which shin­eth to the per­fect day.


O Lamb of God, Re­deem­er blest,
Grant them eter­nal light and rest.

Bless Thou the dead which die in Thee;
As Thou hast giv­en them re­lease;
So quick­en them Thy face to see,
And give them ev­er­last­ing peace.


In Thy green, plea­sant pas­tures feed
The sheep which Thou hast sum­moned hence;
And by the still, cool wa­ters lead
Thy flock in lov­ing pro­vi­dence.


How long, O ho­ly Lord, how long
Must we and they ex­pect­ant wait
To hear the glad­some brid­al song,
To see Thee in Thy roy­al state?


O heark­en, Sav­ior, to their cry,
O rend the hea­vens and come down,
Make up the jew­els speed­ily,
And set them in Thy gold­en crown.


Direct us with Thine arm of might,
And bring us, per­fect­ed with them,
To dwell with­in Thy ci­ty bright,
The heav­en­ly Je­ru­sa­lem.
