Scripture Verse

[Man’s] days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth. For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone; and the place thereof shall know it no more. Psalm 103:15–16


Words: Ro­bert C. Wa­ter­ston, in the Am­eri­can Uni­ta­ri­an Che­shire Pas­tor­al As­so­cia­tion Chris­tian Hymns, 1844, num­ber 668.

Music: Ly­dia (Steb­bins) George C. Steb­bins (1848–1945) (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Wa­ter­ston (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

George Stebbins


One bright flow­er has drooped and fad­ed,
One sweet youth­ful voice has fled,
One fair brow the grave has shad­ed,
One dear school-mate now is dead.

We would feel no pang of sad­ness,
For our friend is hap­py now;
She has knelt in soul-felt glad­ness
Where the bless­èd an­gels bow.

She has gone to Hea­ven be­fore us,
But she turns and waves her hand,
Pointing to the glo­ries o’er us,
In that hap­py spirit-land.

Lord, do Thou keep watch above us,
Keep us all from er­ror free;
Let Thy Spir­it guide and love us,
Till, like her, we go to Thee.