Scripture Verse

There is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. Proverbs 18:24


Luther O. Emerson (1820–1915)

Words: Ma­ri­anne Nunn, in Psalms and Hymns, by her bro­ther John Nunn, 1817. She wrote these words to adapt John New­ton’s hymn, One There Is, Above All Others to the tune Ar Hyd Y Nos.

Music: Ar Hyd Y Nos, tra­di­tion­al Welsh tune. Har­mo­ny by Lu­ther O. Em­er­son, 1906 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:


One is kind above all oth­ers,
O how He loves!
His is love be­yond a bro­ther’s;
O how He loves!
Earthly friends may fall and leave thee,
One day kind, the next day grieve thee;
But this friend will ne’er de­ceive thee;
O how He loves!

’Tis eter­nal life to know Him,
O how He loves!
Think, oh think, how much we owe Him,
O how He loves!
With His pre­cious blood He bought us,
In the wil­der­ness He sought us
To His fold He safe­ly brought us,
O how He loves!

Blessèd Je­sus! wouldst thou know Him?
O how He loves!
Give thine heart, thine all un­to Him;
O how He loves!
Is it sin that pains or grieves thee,
Unbelief or tri­als seize thee?
Jesus can from all re­lease thee;
O how He loves!

Love this friend: He longs to save thee;
O how He loves!
All through life He will not leave thee;
O how He loves!
Think no more of friend­ships hol­low;
Take His easy yoke and fol­low;
Jesus car­ries all thy sor­row;
O how He loves!

All thy sins shall be for­giv­en;
O how He loves!
Backward shall thy foes be driv­en;
O how He loves!
Best of bless­ings He’ll pro­vide thee;
Naught but good shall e’er be­tide thee;
Safe to glo­ry He will guide thee;
O how He loves!