Scripture Verse

We, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another. Romans 12:5


Clara Brooks (1882–1980)

Words: Cla­ra M. Brooks, in Truth in Song, ed­it­ed by Bar­ney E. War­ren, An­drew By­ers, Clar­ence E. Hun­ter & Da­ni­el O. Teas­ley (An­der­son, In­di­ana: Gos­pel Trum­pet Pub­lish­ing, 1907), num­ber 19.

Music: Rob­bins Del­la F. W. By­ers, har­mo­nized by An­drew L. By­ers (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Brooks or Del­la By­ers,

Della F. W. Byers (1874–1968)


As sweet strains of heav’n­ly mu­sic
Blend in one har­mo­ni­ous sound,
So the mem­bers of Christ’s bo­dy
In blest uni­ty are found:
One in mind and one in spir­it,
One in doc­trine, faith and love;
One in name—O pre­cious union,
Like the an­gel hosts above.

Not like waves up­on the ocean,
Tossing wild­ly, roll­ing high,
Or the tem­pest’s great com­mo­tion,
As it sweeps across the sky;
But like twi­light, gent­ly steal­ing
O’er the ver­dant, sha­dy lea,
So the ho­ly saints in Zi­on
Rest—from all their sins set free.

Blood-washed pil­grims on the high­way
Chant the sweet, me­lo­di­ous strain
Of their free­dom from con­fu­sion,
Angels join the glad re­frain:
One with all the hosts of Hea­ven,
There their names are writ­ten down;
Jesus on­ly, Je­sus ev­er,
In their hearts as king they crown.

Love, the theme of all their prais­es,
Doth in ho­ly bond unite
All their hearts, in Him made per­fect,
Turned from dark­ness in­to light.
Thus the saved in Christ to­ge­ther
Dwell in sac­red uni­ty
In the sec­ret of His pre­sence—
Hid away, dear Lord, in Thee.