Scripture Verse

Lazarus, come forth. John 11:43


Words: Su­san H. Pe­ter­son, 2000, alt. (pub­lic do­main).

Music: Ev­er­last­ing Love James Mount­ain, 1876 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Susan H. Peterson (1950–2004)


The Raising of Lazarus
Rembrandt van Rijn (1606–1669)

One named La­za­rus was sick;
His two sis­ters feared he’d die.
So to Je­sus they sent word,
Hoping He would soon come nigh.
But when He re­ceived their word,
Two more days He did abide.
He said, This won’t end in death;
Rather, I’ll be glo­ri­fied.
This is for God’s glo­ry great;
Through it I’ll be glo­ri­fied.

Now when Je­sus fi­nal­ly came,
Laz’rus had been dead four days.
Martha went to wel­come Him,
Asking why He’d stayed away.
She said, Lord, if You’d been here,
My dear bro­ther still would live.
But I know that ev­en now,
All you ask, God will now give.
Though he’s dead, yet still I know,
All You ask, God will now give.

Resurrection and the life—
I am both,
did Je­sus say.
He who does be­lieve in Me,
He will live be­yond the grave.
He who lives, be­lieves in Me,
He will ne’er to death suc­cumb.

Martha said, You are the Christ;
You’re the One who was to come.
You’re the Christ, the Son of God;
You’re the One who was to come.

Martha then her sis­ter called;
Mary went to meet the Lord.
When she reached Him, knelt in tears,
Seeking com­fort from His word.
Jesus, deep­ly moved, did ask,
Where have you his bo­dy laid?
And He wept when He did see,
For His love was ve­ry great.
Jesus wept and shared their grief,
For His love was ve­ry great.

Jesus then ap­proached the tomb.
Take away the stone, He said.
But, said Mar­tha, there’s a stench,
For four days he has been dead.

Jesus said, You now will see
God’s great glo­ry—just be­lieve.

So they took away the stone,
And He prayed, May they be­lieve;
Father, thank You, You have heard;
May they now in Me be­lieve.

Jesus then did give com­mand;
In a loud voice He did say,
Laz’rus, come out of the tomb!
And the dead man did ob­ey.
Both his hands and feet were bound,
And a cloth did hide his face.
Take the grave clothes; let him go,
Jesus said to those am­azed.
Said I not, be­lieve and see
God’s great glo­ry in this place?

Just as Je­sus gave new life
To a man when he was dead,
He can do the same for all
Who be­lieve what He has said.
For we all in sin are dead;
Resurrection life we need.
Jesus died and rose again,
That we might from sin be freed.
All who put their trust in Him
Will not die but live in­deed.