A pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.
Revelation 22:1–2
Words: MillÂard H. Smith, in Glad News, edÂitÂed by W. N. Cook (HudÂson, North CaÂroÂliÂna: TeachÂers’ MuÂsic PubÂlishÂing, 1916), numÂber 12.
Music: C. H. Lance (🔊
If you know Lance’s full name, or where to get a good phoÂto of him or Smith (head & shoulÂders, at least 200Ă—300 pixÂels), would you send us an e-mail?
When we gaÂther at the rivÂer
On that mornÂing bright and fair,
And with joy beÂhold the beauÂty
Of that counÂtry over there,
We shall find the ones we cherÂished
Ere they went from earth away;
With them we shall dwell forÂevÂer
Where no shaÂdows mar the day.
On that mornÂing bright and fair,
We shall gaÂther ovÂer there,
In the glad, eterÂnal land,
Just beÂyond the goldÂen strand—
On that mornÂing bright and fair.
When the saved ones reach those manÂsions
Which, preÂpared by God’s own hand,
Stand amid the matchÂless splenÂdor
Of the hapÂpy BeuÂlah land,
All their sorÂrow will be endÂed,
Pain can nevÂer enÂter there—
Oh! what bliss to know ’tis comÂing—
On that mornÂing bright and fair!
We shall see our SavÂior standÂing
On that sunÂny, changeÂless shore,
Waiting to reÂceive His chosÂen
Where sad partÂings come no more;
May each life be fraught with duÂty
Thro’ this sinÂful world of care,
Till we reach our home of gloÂry
On that mornÂing bright and fair!