May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Galatians 6:14
Words: Lizzie DeArmond, 1907.
Music: Edmund S. Lorenz (🔊
On thro’ the Easter sunlight,
Waving His banner high,
Singing with joyful voices,
Jesus can never die.
Bound in his chains forever
Now lies our conquered foe;
On with a note of triumph,
God’s mighty pow’r to show.
On with the cross, it is shining clear and bright,
On till the lands afar see His blessèd light;
Shout! let the song of triumph
O’er the wide world now ring;
Hail to the risen Savior!
Christ, our mighty king.
Haste while the skies are glowing,
Tell of the Light of men,
Risen with life eternal,
Unto His own again;
Bursting the bonds of sadness,
Setting the captive free,
Bringing to earth new gladness,
Life’s blessèd jubilee.
On with the cross of Jesus,
Brighter than star or sun,
Waving His standard o’er us,
Praising the risen One;
Follow His hallowed footsteps,
Safe is the path He trod,
Leading from earth’s dark portals
Up to the throne of God.