Scripture Verse

O praise the Lord, all ye nations: praise Him, all ye people. Psalm 117:1


Charles W. Naylor (1874–1950)

Words: Charles W. Nay­lor, in Sal­va­tion Ech­oes (Gos­pel Trum­pet Pub­lish­ing, 1900).

Music: Bar­ney E. War­ren (🔊 pdf nwc).

Barney E. Warren (1867–1951)


O praise the Lord, all ye na­tions!
Praise Him, all ye peo­ple!
For His mer­ci­ful kind­ness is great to­ward us,
And the truth of the Lord en­dur­eth for­ev­er:
Praise ye the Lord!


Praise Him, praise Him!
Praise ye the Lord!
Praise Him, praise Him!
Praise ye the Lord!

O praise the Lord, all ye na­tions!
Praise Him for His good­ness!
For He sav­eth His people from all their sins,
And pre­serv­eth the souls of all who will trust Him:
Praise ye the Lord!


O praise the Lord, all ye na­tions!
He is strong and migh­ty:
For He keep­eth our steps, that we shall not fall,
And de­liv­ers His saints from all their temp­ta­tions:
Praise ye the Lord!


O praise the Lord, all ye na­tions!
For His love un­fail­ing!
He doth ten­der­ly lead in the path of peace,
And His name is a re­fuge from the op­press­or:
Praise ye the Lord!
