O praise the Lord, all ye nations: praise Him, all ye people.
Psalm 117:1
Words & Music: William B. Olmstead, Voices of Praise (Chicago, Illinois: W. B. Rose, 1909), number 3 (🔊
Praise Him, all ye hosts of Heaven,
God the King of glory praise;
Let us give Him adoration,
Tuneful hearts and voices raise.
O praise the Lord and bless His name!
Let it echo loud and long;
Sing hallelujah! shout for joy!
Praise His name in grateful song.
Christ hast purchased our redemption
By His death upon the tree;
We should praise Him, give Him glory,
For salvation full and free.
He has now to Heav’n ascended,
There our advocate to be;
Soon He’ll come in clouds of glory,
And His beauty we shall see.