Repent, for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand.
Matthew 4:17
Words: Emily H. Miller, 1893. Miller wrote this hymn at the request of the committee for the Woman’s Missionary Day at the Parliament of Religions in Chicago, Illinois. In the original version, each verse began Kingdom of…
Music: Creation Franz J. Haydn, 1798 (🔊
Oh realm of light! whose morning star
To Bethlehem’s manger led the way,
Not yet upon our longing eyes
Shines the full splendor of thy day:
Yet still across the centuries fall,
Both strong and sweet, our Lord’s command;
And still with steadfast faith we cry,
Behold, the kingdom is at hand!
Oh realm of Heav’n! whose dawn began
With love’s divine, incarnate breath,
Our hearts were slow to understand
The lessons of that life and death:
Yet though with stammering tongues we tell
Redemption’s story, strange and sweet,
The world’s Redeemer, lifted up
Shall draw the nations to His feet.
Oh realm of peace! whose music clear
Swept through Judea’s starlit skies,
Still the harsh sounds of human strife
Break on thy heavenly harmonies;
Yet shall thy song of triumph ring
In full accord, from land to land,
And men with angels learn to sing,
Behold, the kingdom is at hand!