Scripture Verse

For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that ye through His poverty might be rich. 2 Corinthians 8:9

Catherine Winkworth


Words: Chris­tian Kei­mann, 1645 (Freu­et euch, ihr Chris­ten alle). The words were writ­ten for Kei­mann’s stu­dents to per­form at Christ­mas, and were pub­lished as Der neu­ge­borne Je­sus (Gör­litz, Ger­ma­ny: 1646). Trans­lat­ed from Ger­man to Eng­lish by Ca­the­rine Wink­worth, Chor­ale Book for Eng­land (Lon­don: Long­man, Green, Long­man, Ro­berts and Green, 1863), num­ber 33.

Music: Freu­et euch, ihr Chris­ten An­dre­as Ham­mer­schmidt, Mu­sik­al­isch­en An­dach­ten (Frei­berg, Sax­ony: 1646) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Andreas Hammerschmidt
(ca. 1611–1675)


Oh, re­joice, ye Chris­tians, loud­ly,
For your joy hath now be­gun;
Wondrous things our God hath done.
Tell abroad His good­ness proud­ly,
Who our race hath hon­ored thus
That He deigns to dwell with us.


Joy, O joy, be­yond all glad­ness,
Christ hath done away with sad­ness!
Hence, all sor­row and re­pin­ing,
For the Son of Grace is shin­ing!

See, my soul, thy Sav­ior choos­es
Weakness here and po­ver­ty,
In such love He comes to thee
Nor the hard­est couch re­fus­es;
All He suf­fers for thy good,
To re­deem thee by His blood.


Lord, how shall I thank Thee right­ly?
I ac­know­ledge that from Thee
Every bless­ing flows to me.
Let me not for­get it light­ly
But to Thee through all things cleave
So shall heart and mind re­ceive:


Jesus, guard and guide Thy mem­bers,
Fill Thy breth­ren with Thy grace,
Hear their pray­ers in ev­ery place.
Quicken now life’s faint­est em­bers,
Grant all Chris­tians, far and near,
Holy peace, a glad new Year!
