Be merciful to me, a sinner.
Luke 18:13
Words: Cecil F. Alexander, in Lyra Anglicana, 1862 (see When Jesus Came to Earth of Old).
Music: Grace Church Ignaz J. Pleyel, 1815 (🔊
O Son of God, in glory crowned,
The Judge ordained of quick and dead!
O Son of Man, so pitying found
For all the tears Thy people shed!
Be with us in this darkened place,
This weary, restless, dangerous night;
And teach, O teach us, by Thy grace,
To struggle onward into light!
And since, in God’s recording book,
Our sins are written, every one,
The crime, the wrath, the wandering look
The good we knew, and left undone;
Lord, ere the last dread trump be heard,
And ere before Thy face we stand,
Look Thou on each accusing word,
And blot it with Thy bleeding hand.
And by the love that brought Thee here,
And by the cross, and by the grave,
Give perfect love for conscious fear,
And in the day of judgment save.