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Scripture Verse

He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. Revelation 22:20


Words: Ce­cil F. Al­ex­an­der, in Hymns, by the So­ci­ety for Pro­mot­ing Chris­tian Know­ledge, 1852, num­ber 2. The orig­in­al had four stan­zas. It was “al­tered in Ken­ne­dy,” 1863, to From heav­en when Christ came down of old, and in the West­min­ster Abbey H. Book, 1883, to When Christ from heav­en came down of old. In Ly­ra An­gli­ca­na, 1862, Mrs. Al­ex­an­der ex­pand­ed the orig­in­al to eight stan­zas as When Je­sus came to earth of old. This is in Thring’s Coll., 1882. From it, “O Son of God, in glo­ry crowned,” in the Ib­rox Hym­nal, 1871, is tak­en. (Julian, page 1595).

Music: Ves­pers (Hart) W. H. Hart, in The Church Porch, ed­it­ed by Will­iam R. Hunt­ing­ton (New York: E. P. Dut­ton, 1874), num­ber 27 (🔊 ).

If you know Hart’s full name, or where to get a good pic­ture of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

Cecil Alexander


When Je­sus came to earth of old,
He came in weak­ness and woe;
He wore no form of an­gel mold,
But took our na­ture poor and low.

But when He com­eth back once more,
There shall be set the great white throne,
And earth and Heav’n shall flee be­fore
The face of Him that sits there­on.

O Son of God, in glo­ry crowned,
The Judge or­dained of quick and dead;
O Son of Man, so pi­ty­ing found,
For all the tears Thy peo­ple shed,

Be with us in this dark­ened place,
This wea­ry, rest­less dan­ger­ous night;
And teach, O teach us by Thy grace,
To strug­gle on­ward in­to light.

And since, in God’s re­cord­ing book,
Our sins are writ­ten, ev­ery one,
The crime, the wrath, the wan­der­ing look,
The good we knew, and left un­done.

Lord, ere the last dread trump be heard,
And ere be­fore Thy face we stand,
Look Thou on each ac­cus­ing word,
And blot it with Thy bleed­ing hand.

And by the love that brought Thee here,
And by the cross, and by the grave,
Give per­fect love for con­scious fear,
And in the day of judg­ment save.

And lead us on while here we stray,
And make us love our heav’n­ly home,
Till from our hearts we love to say,
Even so, Lord Je­sus, quick­ly come.