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Scripture Verse

The words that I speak unto you I speak not of Myself: but the Father that dwelleth in Me, He doeth the works. John 14:10


Words: Mrs. J. Street, in Good Will, ed­it­ed by T. Mar­tin Towne & Jai­rus M. Still­man (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Flem­ing H. Re­vell, 1878), page 32.

Music: J. W. Pratt (🔊 ).

If you know Street or Pratt’s full name, or where to get good pho­tos of them (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els) would you send us an e-mail?


O speak to me, dear Je­sus,
This world is wide and cold,
And some­thing in its wea­ry round
Makes sad the heart and old;
Then speak to me, dear Je­sus,
Some ten­der word of Thine,
Till all the soul with­in me
Leaps up with life di­vine.

O speak to me, dear Je­sus,
When wild temp­ta­tions rise;
Tear from my heart each idle hope,
These re­fuges of lies:
Build me up­on Thee, Je­sus,
Lest slip­ping I should fall;
I shi­ver ’mid the dark­ness:
Be Thou my all in all.

Speak Thou to me, dear Je­sus,
As once, in old­en times,
Thou didst in lon­ely Pat­mos isle
In vi­sioned bright­ness shine,
Before the loved Apos­tle,
Till all His sad­ness fled,
As stand­ing there in glo­ry,
In spir­it he was led.

Then whis­per to me, Je­sus,
Deep, deep with­in my soul;
And thus, the act­ions vi­si­ble,
By hid­den springs con­trol;
Each day must have an end­ing,
Each day, how­ev­er long;
Time’s notes e’en now are blend­ing
With Heav’n’s eter­nal song.