The words that I speak unto you I speak not of Myself: but the Father that dwelleth in Me, He doeth the works.
John 14:10
Words: Mrs. J. Street, in Good Will, edited by T. Martin Towne & Jairus M. Stillman (Chicago, Illinois: Fleming H. Revell, 1878), page 32.
Music: J. W. Pratt (🔊
If you know Street or Pratt’s full name, or where to get good photos of them (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels) would you send us an e-mail?
O speak to me, dear Jesus,
This world is wide and cold,
And something in its weary round
Makes sad the heart and old;
Then speak to me, dear Jesus,
Some tender word of Thine,
Till all the soul within me
Leaps up with life divine.
O speak to me, dear Jesus,
When wild temptations rise;
Tear from my heart each idle hope,
These refuges of lies:
Build me upon Thee, Jesus,
Lest slipping I should fall;
I shiver ’mid the darkness:
Be Thou my all in all.
Speak Thou to me, dear Jesus,
As once, in olden times,
Thou didst in lonely Patmos isle
In visioned brightness shine,
Before the loved Apostle,
Till all His sadness fled,
As standing there in glory,
In spirit he was led.
Then whisper to me, Jesus,
Deep, deep within my soul;
And thus, the actions visible,
By hidden springs control;
Each day must have an ending,
Each day, however long;
Time’s notes e’en now are blending
With Heav’n’s eternal song.