Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these My brethren, ye have done it unto Me.
Matthew 25:40
Words & Music: Winston C. Hafley, in The Revival No. 4 (Atlanta, Georgia: Charlie D. Tillman, circa 1903), number 25 (🔊
O the little deed of kindness,
Like the little grains of sand,
May restrain life’s many troubles
As these ’gainst the ocean stand.
Going by, going by,
Going by, going by,
Precious souls will rise to bless us,
While the days are going by.
See the tears along the wayside,
See the sorrow, sore distress;
Many, many hearts are breaking,
Help to give the weary rest.
We can cheer the weak, the fainting,
If but words we have to give;
We can tell them of a Savior,
How He died that they might live!