Scripture Verse

They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters; These see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep. Psalm 107:23–24


John Q. Adams (1767–1848)

Words: John Q. Ad­ams (1767–1848). Pub­lished in Po­ems of Re­li­gion and So­ci­ety by John Quin­cy Ad­ams, by John Da­vis and T. H. Ben­ton (New York: Will­iam H. Gra­ham, 1848), pag­es 52–53.

Music: Duane Street George Coles, 1835 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

George Coles (1792–1858)


O that the race of men would raise
Their voic­es to their heav’n­ly king,
And with the sac­ri­fice of praise
The glo­ries of Je­ho­vah sing!
Ye na­vi­gat­ors of the sea,
Your course on ocean’s tides who keep,
And there Je­ho­vah’s won­ders see,
His won­ders in the bri­ny deep!

He speaks; con­flict­ing whirl­winds fly;
The waves in swell­ing tor­rents flow;
They mount, as­pire to Hea­ven on high;
They sink, as if to hell below:
Their souls with ter­ror melt away;
They stag­ger as if drunk with wine
Their skill is vain, to Thee they pray;
O, save them, En­er­gy di­vine!

He stays the storm; the waves sub­side;
Their hearts with rap­ture are in­spired;
Soft breez­es waft them o’er the tide,
In glad­ness, to their port de­sired:
O that man­kind the song would raise,
Jehovah’s good­ness to pro­claim!
Assembled na­tions shout His praise,
Assembled el­ders bless His name!