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Scripture Verse

I am One that bears witness of Myself, and the Father that sent Me beareth witness of Me. John 8:18


Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns and Sac­red Po­ems 1749, Vol­ume 1, num­ber 209. For a Per­son Called Forth to Bear His Tes­ti­mo­ny.

Music: Old 113th, at­trib­ut­ed to Mat­thäus Grei­ter, Strass­bur­ger Kirch­en­amt, 1525 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Grei­ter (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

Charles Wesley (1707–1788)


O Thou who at Thy crea­ture’s bar
Thy glo­ri­ous God­head didst de­clare,
A true and good con­fess­ion make;
Come in Thy Spir­it from above
And arm me with Thy faith­ful love,
For Thy own truth and mer­cy’s sake.
Called forth by Thee Thou know’st I am,
Thy truth and mer­cy to pro­claim,
Thy Godhead, and eter­nal pow­er,
The man whom God His fel­low owns,
Whom an­gel-pow­ers, do­min­ions, thrones
Through all eter­ni­ty adore.

Thee, high en­throned above all height,
Thee God of God, and Light of Light,
I come un­daunt­ed to con­fess,
With God es­sen­tial­ly the same,
JEHOVAH, JAH, the great I AM,
The Lord of Hosts, the Prince of Peace.
The so­ver­eign, ev­er­last­ing Lord,
The glo­ri­ous, un­be­gin­ning Word,
The Son of God, the Son of Man,
God over Heav­en and earth su­preme
Made flesh Thy crea­ture to re­deem,
For me in­car­nat­ed, and slain.

Slain for a sin­ful world, and me,
Our sure­ty hung up­on the tree;
Thy body bore our guil­ty load:
My Lamb for sin an of­fer­ing made,
The debt of all man­kind hath paid,
And bought, and sprin­kled us with blood.
That blood ap­plied by faith I feel,
And come its heal­ing pow­er to tell,
Through which I know my sins for­giv­en
A wit­ness I, that all may find
The peace de­served for all man­kind,
And walk with God, my God, to Heav­en.

I come to tes­ti­fy the grace
My Lord ob­tained for all our race,
Enough ten thou­sand worlds to save;
Salvation is in Je­su’s name,
Which ev­ery soul of man may claim,
And all that seek the grace, shall have.
Salvation from the pow­er of sin,
Salvation from the root with­in,
Salvation into per­fect love,
(Thy grace to all hath brought it near)
An ut­ter­most sal­va­tion here,
Salvation up to Heav­en above.

Thy pow­er and sav­ing grace to show,
A war­fare at Thy charge I go,
Strong in the Lord, and Thy great might,
Gladly take up the hal­lowed cross,
And suf­fering all things for Thy cause,
Beneath that bloody bann­er fight.
A spec­ta­cle to fiends and men,
To all their fierce or cool dis­dain
With calm­est pity I sub­mit;
Determined naught to know be­side
My Je­sus, and Him cru­ci­fied,
I tread the world be­neath my feet.

Superior to their smile, or frown,
On all their goods my soul looks down,
Their plea­sures, wealth, and pomp, and state:
The man that dares their god des­pise,
The Chris­tian, he alone is wise!
The Chris­tian, he alone is great!
O God, let all my life de­clare
How hap­py all Thy ser­vants are,
How far above these earth­ly things,
How pure when washed in Je­su’s blood,
How in­ti­mate­ly one with God,
A Heav­en-born race of priests and kings.

For this alone I live be­low,
The power of god­li­ness to show,
The won­ders wrought by Je­su’s name.
O that I may but faith­ful prove,
Witness to all Thy par­don­ing love,
And point them to th’aton­ing Lamb!
Let me to every crea­ture cry,
The poor and rich, the low and high,
Believe, and feel thy sins for­giv­en!
Damned, till by Je­sus saved, thou art,
Till Je­su’s blood hath washed thy heart
Thou canst not find the gate of Heav­en.

Thou, Je­su, Thou my breast in­spire,
And touch my lips with hallowed fire,
And loose a stam­mer­ing in­fant’s tongue;
Prepare the ves­sel of Thy grace,
Adorn me with the robes of praise,
And mer­cy shall be all my song.
Mercy for those that know not God,
Mercy for all, in Je­su’s blood,
Mercy that earth and Heav­en trans­cends;
Love, that ov­er­whelms the saints in light,
The length, and breadth, and depth, and height
Of love di­vine, which nev­er ends.

A faith­ful wit­ness of Thy grace,
Long may I fill th’al­lot­ted space,
And an­swer all Thy great de­sign;
Walk in the works by Thee pre­pared,
And find an­nex­ed the vast reward,
The crown of right­eous­ness di­vine.
When I have lived to Thee alone
Pronounce the wel­come word, Well done,
And let me take my place above,
Enter into my mas­ter’s joy,
And all eter­ni­ty em­ploy
In praise, and ec­sta­sy, and love.