The Lord God made a woman from the rib He had taken out of the man.
Genesis 2:22
Words: Thomas Robinson.
Music: Lancashire Henry T. Smart, 1836 (🔊
If you know when this hymn was written, or where to get a good picture of Robinson, would you send us an e-mail?
Our Father, God, and Savior,
Hear Thou our fervent prayer,
And let Thy gracious favor
Now rest upon this pair.
They come to be united
As husband and as wife,
Thus in Thy presence plighted,
In fellowship for life.
In Eden’s peaceful bower
God did for man provide
A help-meet and a dower,
Made from his opened side.
In this, Lord, Thou hast given
A figure of Thy bride,
For whom Thou cam’st from Heaven,
Hast suffered, bled, and died.
When shines the sun in gladness,
Or clouds of sorrow lower,
In scenes of joy or sadness,
Be Thou their lofty tower;
The rock of their salvation,
When things of earth allure;
In all times of temptation,
Their refuge, tried and sure.
In bonds which naught can sever
Let them united be,
In sweet communion ever,
Lord Jesus Christ, with Thee.
Still cheer them with the story
Of Thy redeeming love,
Until they keep in glory
Their bridal feast above.