Scripture Verse

All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53:6


Tamra Lee (1959–)

Words: Tam­ra N. Lee, De­cem­ber 12, 2015 (pub­lic do­main).

Music: St. Co­lum­ba an­cient Ir­ish tune (🔊 pdf nwc).


Our Mes­si­ah came for all man­kind,
To bring us back to God!
For we like sheep had gone as­tray,
We all the broad road trod.

It broke His heart to see us go
And per­ish in our sin;
So Je­sus came from Heav’n to earth
Our souls from hell to win.

In Beth­le­hem our king was born,
And in a man­ger lay;
The pro­phet Mi­cah did fore­tell:
His go­ings forth for aye.

His life was filled with do­ing good,
And teach­ing men of peace;
His ho­li­ness, His truth and love
Brought proud men to their knees.

The Jew­ish rulers hat­ed Him,
And plot­ted to de­stroy
The heav’n­ly King whose life did bring
The way of peace and joy.

And when they’d scourged and beat­en Him,
They hung Him on a tree;
With nails and spear His hands and side
Were pierced for you and me.

But death could not re­strain our Lord,
For He is King of life!
And burst­ing from the dark­ened tomb,
Conquered Sa­tan, sin and strife.

Dear Sav­ior how can I give thanks
For giv­ing me Your grace?
I’ll give my life, my love, my all,
Forever sing Your praise!