Scripture Verse

In Me is your help. Hosea 13:9


Words: R. J. Bix­by, in Pre­cious Jew­els, ed­it­ed by J. H. Les­lie & R. B. Ma­haf­fey (New York: C. M. Ca­dy, 1878), page 51.

Music: Con­tra Cos­ta R. B. Ma­haf­fey (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Bix­by or Ma­haf­fey’s full name, or where to get their pho­tos,


Shall we walk along life’s jour­ney,
Thro’ the sha­dows of the night,
On an arm of flesh re­ly­ing,
Trusting on­ly hu­man might?
No, the pro­mised help of Je­sus
Shall sus­tain us day by day;
In the bat­tle’s wild com­mo­tion,
Thro’ the fierce­ness of the fray.

Shall we see the loved and cher­ished
Passing from us by the way?
And the ach­ing hearts so wea­ry,
Find no so­lace day by day?
Yet, the pro­mised help of Je­sus
Shall sus­tain us ev­en then;
Thro’ His grace, which crowned them vic­tors,
We shall meet them all again.

Shall we walk ’mid ga­ther­ing sha­dows,
When life’s ev­en­ing draw­eth near?
Shall the dark­ness be un­brok­en,
Will no light for us ap­pear?
Then the pro­mised help of Je­sus
As a light shall guide us o’er
To the pure ce­les­ti­al city,
Over on the oth­er shore.