Scripture Verse

Thou that leadest Joseph like a flock. Psalm 80:1


Friedrich A. Krummacher (1767–1845)

Words: Fried­rich A. Krum­mach­er, Fest­büch­lein, 3rd edi­tion, part 1, 1813, page 118 (Ja fur­wahr! uns führt mit sanft­er Hand): It is giv­en in the sto­ry of the fes­tal re­de­di­ca­tion of a vil­lage church de­stroyed in time of war, as a cho­ral hymn sung by boys and girls af­ter the Ho­ly Com­mun­ion (Ju­li­an, p. 634). Trans­lat­ed from Ger­man to Eng­lish by Jane L. Borth­wick, Hymns from the Land of Lu­ther, first ser­ies, 1854, page 59. The stan­zas be­low are based on Borth­wick’s trans­la­tion.

Music: James R. Mur­ray, in Heart and Voice, ed­it­ed by Will­iam F. Sher­win (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio: John Church, 1881), page 151 (🔊 pdf nwc).

James Murray (1841–1905)


Yes, our Shep­herd leads with gen­tle hand,
Thro’ the dark pil­grim land,
His flock so dear­ly bought,
So long and fond­ly sought.


Hallelujah! Hal­le­lu­jah!
Hallelujah! Amen.

When in clouds and mists the weak ones stray,
He again shows the way,
And points to them afar
A bright and guid­ing star.


Tenderly He watch­es from on high,
With an un­wear­ied eye,
He com­forts and sus­tains,
In all their fears and pains.


Thro’ the wea­ry de­sert He will guide;
To the green fount­ain side;
Thro’ the dark and stor­my night,
To ev­er­last­ing light.


Yes! the lit­tle flock is ne’er for­got,
His mer­cy changes not;
Their home is safe above,
Within His arms of love.
