

Krummacher Birth Place
Günter Seggebäing, Wikipedia

Born: Ju­ly 13, 1767, Teck­len­burg, West­phal­ia.

Baptized: Ju­ly 22, 1767, Teck­len­burg.

Died: April 4, 1845, Bre­men, Ger­ma­ny.

Buried: Lo­ca­tion un­known, but his fu­ner­al was in Bre­men, Ap­ril 10, 1845.



Friedrich was the son of law­yer and Teck­len­burg may­or Fried­rich Ja­kob Krum­mach­er.

In 1786 he en­tered the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ling­en (since 1819 ranked as a Gym­na­si­um), and in 1787 that of Hal­le.

After con­clud­ing his theo­lo­gic­al studies in 1789, he was for some time tu­tor in the fa­mi­ly of Se­na­tor Mey­er in Bre­men.

[He] was then ap­point­ed, in 1790, Con­rec­tor of the Gym­na­si­um at Hamm, and in 1793 Rector of the Gym­na­si­um at Mors

In the end of 1800 he be­came Prof­es­sor of The­ol­ogy and Elo­quence at the Re­formed Uni­ver­si­ty of Du­is­burg.

When, af­ter the bat­tle of Je­na (Oct. 14, 1806), Du­is­burg was tak­en from Prus­sia, the sa­la­ries of the pro­fess­ors ceased, but Krum­mach­er lec­tured on till his au­di­ence con­sist­ed of one stu­dent.

He was then, in the au­tumn of 1807, ap­point­ed pas­tor of Ket­twig, on the Ruhr; in 1812 Chief Court Preach­er and Ge­ne­ral Su­per­in­ten­dent at Bern­burg; and fin­al­ly, in 1824, he be­came chief pastor of the St. Ans­ga­ri­us Church at Bre­men.

By rea­son of grow­ing in­fir­mi­ties he re­signed his charge in June, 1843.

Julian, pp. 633–34



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