Scripture Verse

He is risen. Matthew 28:6


William F. Sherwin

Words: Jen­nie Har­ris­on, in Sun­day School Songs, ed­it­ed by Eli­sha A. Hoff­man (Cleve­land, Ohio: Ev­an­gel­ic­al As­so­cia­tion, 1880), page 124.

Music: Sach­sen Will­iam F. Sher­win, in Heart and Voice (New York & Cleve­land, Ohio: John Church, 1881), num­ber 130 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Har­ris­on (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Out of the sha­dow of death and the grave,
Jesus our Sav­ior hath come,
Bright in His glo­ry and migh­ty to save,
Free from the taint of the tomb!
Robes of hu­ma­ni­ty, sanc­ti­fied so,
Worn in His pi­ty­ing love,
Drop, with their weight
Of earth weak­ness and woe—
Jesus as­cend­eth above.


Victory! vic­to­ry! let it re­sound,
Death can no long­er en­thrall;
Jesus is ris­en! re­peat the glad sound,
Life and sal­va­tion for all.

Out of the sha­dow of win­ter’s long night,
Earth comes in glad­ness to­day!
Clad in the gar­ments of spring­time and light,
Scattering doubt and dis­may.
Beautiful sto­ry that nev­er grows old,
Pledge from our con­quer­ing Lord,
Earth is re­deemed
From its dark­ness and cold;
Easter hath come at His word.


Out of the sha­dow of weak­ness and fear,
Let us arise, then, today!
Jesus hath called us, our East­er is here!
Why should we doubt and de­lay?
Here is the path that our con­quer­or trod,
Bright with His bless­ings of peace;
These are His bloss­oms
That spring from the sod,
Telling of hope and re­lease.
