Scripture Verse

You shall pass over Jordan to go in to possess the land which the Lord your God gives you, and you shall possess it, and dwell therein. Deuteronomy 11:31


Mary B. Slade (1826–1882)

Words: Ma­ry B. Slade, in Pure Dia­monds, by James Mur­ray (Clev­eland, Ohio: Brain­ard & Sons, 1872).

Music: James R. Mur­ray (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Slade,

James R. Murray (1841–1905)


With His dear and lov­ing care,
Will the Sav­ior lead us on,
To the hills and val­leys fair,
Over Jor­dan?
Yes, we’ll rest our weary feet,
By the crys­tal waters sweet,
When the peace­ful shore we greet,
Over Jor­dan.


Over Jor­dan, over Jor­dan!
Yes, we’ll rest our wea­ry feet,
By the crys­tal wa­ters sweet,
Over Jor­dan, over Jor­dan,
When the peace­ful shore we’ll greet,
Over Jor­dan.

Through the roc­ky wil­derness,
Will the Sav­ior lead us on,
To the land we shall pos­sess,
Over Jor­dan?
Yes, by night the won­drous ray,
Cloudy pil­lar by the day,
They shall guide us on our way,
Over Jor­dan.


With His strong and migh­ty hand,
Will the Sav­ior lead us on,
To that good and plea­sant land,
Over Jor­dan?
Yes, where vine and ol­ive grow,
And the brooks and fount­ains flow,
Thirst nor hun­ger shall we know,
Over Jor­dan.


In the Pro­mised Land to be,
Will the Sav­ior lead us on,
Till fair Ca­naan’s shore we see,
Over Jor­dan?
Yes, to dwell with Thee at last,
Guide and lead us, as Thou hast,
Till the part­ed wave be passed,
Over Jor­dan.
